Wednesday, December 18, 2013

‘Tis The Season of Giving!

Here at Avenues to Independence, we have the opportunity to meet and work with many generous individuals.  We are grateful to have many stories of how individuals in our community give and impact the lives of the clients we serve. 

This is the story of David, and how his giving spirit impacts the lives of others.  David has been working at Avenues to Independence Wheeling Work Center for almost 6 years.  He is an excellent and dedicated worker.  There is much more to David than what meets the eye!
David with a couple of his handmade scarves.

When you meet David, you might not guess he is a skilled knitter!  David’s mother began teaching him to knit many years ago, hoping the repetitive nature of the activity would be soothing for David, as it is for many others who take up the craft.  Sure enough, David took to knitting like a fish to water!  Soon he was starting and finishing knitting projects on his own, without any assistance from his mom.  He regularly attends a knitting group with his mother and a group of fellow knitters. David hauls his knitting supplies with him nearly everywhere he goes! If you walk past him in the Avenues work center, you will either find him diligently working on a work project, or knitting.  David knits beautiful scarves of all colors and patterns.  With so many beautiful scarves being made, David’s family soon realized they could be benefiting those in need!

Initially, a woman’s shelter received donations of David’s scarves to keep them warm and comfortable through the cold winter months.  Since 2011, David has donated the scarves he works on all year to the children at Green Bay Elementary School.  This helps the school keep warm scarves on hand for children who come to school with-out.    Last year, David was able to give 94 scarves to the school to keep the children warm in the winter months.  This year, his goal was 100 scarves for the children.  

Green Bay Elementary School
When David gets a goal in mind, he does not let anything stop him until that goal is accomplished.  In fact, David was working on a beautiful scarf, his grandmother commented that she really liked it, and would like to have one just like it for herself.  David politely told her she would have to wait for her scarf, as he had not yet finished the scarves for the children. 

He finished his 100th scarf in late November and was able to take the scarves to the school.  The impressive haul of hand-made cozy scarves was delivered to the school personally by David and his mother.  These beautiful scarves will keep needy children warm through the harsh Illinois winter, and the school is ever so thankful for such a wonderful gift!
The 100 beautiful knit scarves David made throughout this year for the students at Green Bay Elementary.
So this Christmas, think of David's commitment to Green Bay Elementary and do something for someone in need. No matter how big or small the gesture it is sure to make a difference! Way to go David for embracing the spirit of giving and making such an wonderful and warm impact on the lives of the children at Green Bay Elementary!

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