Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Truly "Touching" Story

This is Jennifer.

While the internet is a buzz with the recent news of Apple's latest iPhones being released, Jennifer is just as excited to be able to use her handy ole iPod touch.  Jennifer is one of the many deaf individuals Avenues to Independence serves. Jennifer usually communicates using sign language but not every person she encounters is fluent in ASL.  

 It was a major breakthrough when it was discovered  that  Jennifer loved using the touch screen on one of her staff's iPads. Jennifer was then given an iPod touch of her own with the hope this technology could greatly impact her life and expand her ability to communicate. 

Jennifer was asked how she liked using her iPod touch and what kind of things she likes using it for.  She typed her answers directly onto her iPod touch for you to see.

Jennifer's response

She now uses this technology to communicate with her staff and to play some of her favorite games.  Before having access to this kind of technology Jennifer would go through word search books and math worksheets faster than her staff could keep up. Now she has instant access to all these games and applications right at her fingertips:

Jennifer's apps and games

This is just one of the many ways having access to technology can “touch” the lives of our clients.

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