At a recent meeting of the Avenues to Independence Board of Directors, one of the Board members spoke of his experience with Job Placement.
He has a small business and decided to hire one of the clients of Avenues for light office work. He is most impressed with the young man’s abilities and even more so with his work ethic. He is always cheerful and always on time. In fact, the other folks in the office are showing up on time now, too, because of the example set by the new employee!
Also praised was the work of the job coach and how he is able to support the employee. The job coach takes on the responsibility of teaching the job to the employee and is available should any issues arise.
While the job coach was in this office, he suggested that some cleaning help might be appropriate, so now two more Avenues people have increased their working hours.
If you know anyone who could use a little extra help, Avenues is a great place to find excellent workers.