Monday, November 26, 2012

Activism in Action

       If you see Mary Anne in the community, she looks like a woman on a mission; determined, focused.  Whether she's on her way to or from work, her volunteer commitment, running errands, going to festivals in the city, visiting book stores in the suburbs, or... protesting?  I've always known that Mary Anne paid close attention to public transit issues, but I had no idea how committed she was until she came to my office wearing this shirt.  So, I started asking more questions. 
       In April of 2012, Mary Anne joined a group of protesters carrying picket signs and chanting, "We are the 99%!" at the CTA headquarters in downtown Chicago. 
      "It was exhilarating!  I enjoy doing anything involving public transit."  They were protesting fare hikes and service cuts, an issue that Mary Anne has testified about at many CTA and Metra hearings over the past 20 years.
       "I first got involved in 1988 after seeing a CTA public hearing notice at the JVS clerical program that I was attending at the time."  The RTA's Persons with Disabilities Ride Free Transit program has enabled Mary Anne to ride CTA, Pace, and Metra at no cost, so I asked her why she cares about rate hikes?  "I'm concerned about the wider view; those that don't have a ride-free card." 
        Our public transit system is crucial to Mary Anne's independence and she does what she can to get that message to the powers that be.  As someone that makes a point to let you know how independent she is, even when you first meet her, she credits Avenues with "allowing me the opportunity and freedom to do things like this."  Stay tuned for periodic updates from Mary Anne in future blog posts.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Avenues Art Program...check out what's new!

Brickton Art Studio
The Avenues Art Program is going on celebrating 5 years! The artists that participate have worked on projects such as drawing, painting, clay bowls, sculptures, beading, etc. and have done so both at the Avenues' Cafe and at Brickton Art Studio.
"Pop Art" at the silent auction
For the past 2 years several of the artists had their paintings displayed and up for bid at the "Spotlight on Wine" silent auction.  This year one painting alone sold for over $200 (there was quite the bidding war that took place)!  An added bonus...all proceeds go back to the art program!
The class also decided to share more of their work in a different way selling coasters they produced using prints of work they have done over the years. The coasters practically flew off the shelves and many people have been interested in placing orders!  Keep checking back here and on our Facebook page for updates on how you can order your very own set designed by some of the best artists around!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Day

Yesterday Americans were out exercising there right to choose our country's leaders. This is the foundation of democracy and a cherished right all Americans share. Like most people in our country, Avenues' clients want to participate in the election to make sure their voices are heard.

Yesterday five of our clients that chose to vote were kind enough to allow us to film them. Stephanie, David, Brian, Ed, and Debbie were all excited to cast their votes for the candidates that would best represent the issues they care about. At their home they gather to watch the news before dinner each evening and they discuss politics in the same ways we do with our friends and family. They all made a conscientious decision based on their personal beliefs and were very proud to participate.

We hope you enjoy the video! Please share this post on Facebook or through email if you'd like to give your friends or family some perspective on the people we serve. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback please comment below. Thanks!